Calm down, not in THAT way :) you know me better than that even though our friendship is just beginning.
Like I had posted before, the past couple weeks, the past month really has been quite busy to the point that I was just wearing myself down between full time work that has been picking up, full-time home single mommy the other 4 days of an SPD kiddo, preparing for birthdays and trips, and just not feeling like getting any break at all. Now post birthday, post 2 year appointment which went better than all the previous ones luckily, and gearing toward the end of summer, things seem to be settling down.
Strangely enough the way I know this is that my phone has settled down. The past month it has been ringing, text alerts, email alerts, etc. like no body's business. The past few days - nothing and I mean that pretty much silent. I guess I got used to it, but I do have to admit it is kind of nice with the exception of my pending opportunity I have been talking about.
Hopefully it will give me more time to actually email my friends individually instead of a quick text or Facebook "like" - our modern world is strange. I actually was so worn and sick this morning at the kiddos appointment that I almost completely missed saying hi to my friend, her little one, and her husband - in person can you believe that?!
Totally don't feel bad! With Aubrey's little fit back there I was ready to get the hell out of that place!