Sunday, September 8, 2013

The Walmart Walk of Shame

No, this is not another knock on Walmart post:

I decided to go to Walmart for the first time in what seems like forever this past week because they had some really great deals to help me stock up for the move (more on that in a later post - spoiler:)), a couple simple low cost recipes, and of course the new Carmel Apple Pillsbury cookies and icing. So when I finally sat down, made my full list after looking at the budget, and found time to go when I didn't need a true sitter for the kiddo - it was 9pm on Saturday night. Super, a lovely drive and trip around Walmart on Saturday night, just what I wanted to do!

First off, if you have not been to Walmart or another superstore/bulk store in awhile, take a partner. I spent a ton of time walking from one end to the other back around and through the aisles one more time after that - just the grocery section mind you. Also, there are lots and lots of displays with $3 and under pricing - so even if you don't need it you are enticed and you will need someone besides your conscious saying "you don't need that, no really, walk away now." Of course I needed to try that 4 pack of 10 calorie Sunkist for just $1.

So after I did my searching for list items, picking up those not quite on the list but hey look at that price items, and of course the 15 minute inner monologue of can my kiddo make it in the size 5 diapers because apparently this past week everyone not only saw the sale but all their children also wear size 4....I made it to the check out.

Shame 1) I did not make it out of there under $100. Now, I have yet to go through the receipt and take out the cost of my moving staple supplies, diapers, whatnot to discern what I truly spent on food, staples for the future, and stuff for the kiddo. So I am hopeful that I am still equal to or under the grocery budget for this month.

Shame 2) Knocking over the darn grape tomato container at what felt like the middle of the night towards the end (but not before another trip back down the depth of the store again) of the trip. Just a frustrating thing, especially when you do the right thing of picking them all up as people pass by.

Shame 3) What I would call the newbie Walmart Walk of Shame - I totally, in a hurry to just get home, walked out the opposite doors of the ones that I parked in front of. Complete face palm as I stepped outside and pushed my cart a half a mile to the car. At 10:30 on a Saturday night.

Luckily, on the way home, I heard this song which made my "adventure" seem to have some purpose again:

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