I have mentioned a move among other things in a few of my previous posts, which may have left you wondering - L to the YN, have you exited Suburbia?
Yes and no. The kiddo and I have moved to our own apartment which is much less in Suburbia than the dwelling in my parents home! Exciting yes, tough a bit, but the kiddo and I seem to be adjust now, becoming more settled and hopefully by the holidays or before will be in our own rhythm, thriving like no other. However, school is still in Suburbia, as are the grandparents, and some friends too - so we frequent often even though we reside in our own little world here.
So you will all still get your doses of Single Mom in Suburbia - all three parts of that title and more!
I would like to thank you all if you have kept us in your thoughts during this time, during the trials of our move or pending moves or even when our possibilities fell apart. I knew in my heart God would provide the right timing and I still pray and have faith that he will provide just enough to keep us here in our own world to continue our journey as a family of two.
Well - in 12-14 years and with lighter hair anyways ;)
Yay!!!! New place, though I have lived where you are living and it's still suburbia somewhat :-) Just not as blatant