Saturday, October 26, 2013

The Showers...P.S - How Do You Roll

The past few posts have been a bit off the fun, holy cow this is Suburbia track - so here is a hopefully fun or at least pertinent transplant Suburbia post.

I was invited to two showers, one bridal and one baby, that I really didn't want to go to. So L to the YN why did you go you ask....."family obligations."

The first was the bridal shower, for a cousin's bride, a destination wedding that I couldn't afford but was still not even invited too, and in major Suburbia territory of one of the more....financially blessed areas around the city. So yeah, I had like a count down denial going on there. Oh - and I had to not only go with my mother but go in on a gift for people who have just bought and even bigger Suburbia home on a body of water. So of course the big day arrived, I handed over the cash, dressed up (this lady does not do that often, especially if only surrounded by women), and hopped in the car - we took my dad's to look fancier and this is not a joke - and rode up an hour. Did I mention it was one of my only kid free days a week AND Sunday football.

Needless to say, we arrived, were greeted, gave awkard high pitch "it's SO great to see you, you look great" greetings, ate food, listened to gushing of how awesome my cousin is, watched the obligatory slide show of the happy couple and their dog. Side-bar, yes a dog who not only had her own solo photos in the slide show but was included in the pro-engagement shots. Oh and there were games, brunch, truffles, the gifts to fill their new home, on the water, and I am figuring out if Meijer, Target, or the Dollar Store has the cheapest "home décor" for my new place......let's just say I was going to just keep up with my fantasy football team - but NO reception. Yeah - that was awesome.

The baby shower was much more low key and in my home town. My main reason for not wanting to go was just wanting ONE lazy non-travel Sunday, football (see a theme here), and the weird you know the person having the baby but only through your mom's being friends, but of obligation. So no insane games or anything, and I figured free food. I am not kidding when I say I almost brought my own zip lock bags to take food home, but forgot. But it turned out kind of nuts because I only found out when I got there, kiddo in tow, that there were going to be a bunch of other kids there AND "we" were arriving early for set up. Did I mention I had my pre-school, a-typical kiddo with me?! So long story short, that resulted in my kiddo having meltdowns per being forced to be social with food she can't have, kids getting her space and face throwing her into her cycle, and an allergy outbreak from food in which Benadryl (no it does NOT have the sleepy effect on my kid) and me wanting to hide in the bathroom which didn't happen per a kid walking in on me with my pants down. The food was NOT worth it.

So there ya go - back to the Single in Suburbia norm post :) And a bonus below:

How do you roll? TP wise that is; over, under, or if you have a child just under, in the middle of, or just after the potty training roll - just hide it for your own use?

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