Many of you know the snowed in part :) You are likely dealing with the same thing, however, there is a slight twist on our little snowed in story - I pray none of you had to deal with similar frustrating events, or worse as a lot worse could have happened.
Friday started out as any normal day, I was celebrating having 8 hours to myself while the kiddo was at "school" for the day - I had gotten up that morning, did my prayer/faith/coffee/tea thing, was dressed (dressed enough to drop her off anyways), got the kiddo up and dressed and off to school - came back went for a run, showered, got officially dressed and made myself a awesome protein and veggie omelet. Then the storm phone texted me of my balance - which was close to $1000 short as I knew it was a pay day Friday. I checked online and the text was accurate - there were two charges for rent when there should have been only one, when I had so proudly paid a day early aware of the holiday. My rent to monthly income ratio might as well be a nice mortgage payment, there is not a lot left over after the first when the bigger bills are due.
I was livid - mad is probably not even the word. This was added when a business to be named said they could do nothing to return my money; my bank was very hopeful and helpful, though 4 hours, countless dead end phone calls - I was back at the bank filling out official forms to dispute the withdrawal and a legal attempt to get my hard earned money back. I was lucky enough that the checks written would barley be covered, my gas was filled up for the work weekend/expected snow storm, we had some food, however, my mom did have to help with diapers, wipes, and prescriptions. The hardest part was that the people who took my money did so literally under my nose as I was running in the un-heated "gym" up above and when I explained that I had no extra money for diapers and was a single mom, not only was there not an "I'm sorry," there was silence. Dead silence. They had no words just a look of "oh well" on their face. Though difficult, I had just read (over and over in bold):
FAITH is the opposite of PRIDE.
The big snow/freeze hit Sunday, so I had a long drive home after my work weekend to get home to my daughter and to safety...well to my parents' house that is. And due to the storm being as bad and/or worse than expected - here we have stayed since Saturday evening. #1 - my daughter was safe and this I knew as I was working during the fall of the flakes #2 - I got to shelter safely and there was even food waiting for me. That day at work earlier, I had gotten a message from a friend who offered financial help if needed due to the "robbery." The next morning we all woke up to horrible weather conditions so we were trapped, myself, the kiddo and my parents. No fixing of Friday's events, no Monday off while the little one was at school, or "home" comforts - but we had shelter, warmth and food. Electric was due that day, my father had already been kiddo-ed out, so I with a big sigh of the below - asked my friend for her offered help:
FAITH is the opposite of PRIDE.
Though this friend who knows pretty much everything of my successes and failings as well as I hers in the past 10 years or so, it took a lot - but less than it would take to ask my dad - even though he was aware of the situation and that we had been wronged by some not so nice people. Thank you again, friend! The day went on, the alerts of being stuck in the house again came about, the kiddo and I not returning home as well and by this point in time it felt like we all needed a padded cell - one for each of us as we all were nice, but time for a much needed break in the action. As I ate other's food, showered in others' homes, had my kiddo running a muck (at one point she was saying "I am so, so, so, so, SO, SO......tired") , and slept in others' beds - I kept telling myself:
FAITH is the opposite of PRIDE.
I cannot tell you how many times I re-read this statement in my book I luckily had with me as well. Still do and am looking forward to reading more right now as though we may very well return "home" tomorrow, it will not feel like home, and from the looks of it I may have to call into work...where though acceptable and my only option - it never feels like that when you call in to work. But I will take the advice of another blogger friend and choose to make the best of the current adversities rather than be or feel debilitated by them. After all.....FAITH is the opposite of PRIDE.
Faith really is the opposite of pride. Don't think your friend wasn't aware and I imagine she was more than happy to help and will always help no matter what.