Thursday, January 23, 2014

Back To Basics

This has been a very long week with very cold temperatures, now usually that is not a big complaint, however, when your heat and hot water are out for the majority of that week with multiple service calls – then the below zero wind-chill temps get the best of me.  Today the very kind and throughout maintenance guy did some research (after coming here over 4 times in less than a week to get the heat restarted even though it took a bit to warm the place up from who knows what low temperature) and replaced the whole pilot system as he found online this was a major issue with my model, put in a digital thermostat so I could not only know the actual temp but set it too, and dropped off a space heater just in case.

Sidebar: Now before you think I am a Debbie-downer from my posts about trying to get back to normal for the past month, let me remind you that dates 12/24-1/2 were insane family holidays, I worked the next weekend where I drove home in a blizzard lasting from 1/5-1/9 (including the double rent debacle) partly stuck in with my folks and the toddler, we had a few days of “normal” in between in which I got one of my bi-annual sinus infections, then the whole no heat issue started around the 17th finally getting settled today. And yes, I was praying my butt off and trying my best to be sane.

With everything fixed, some major medical appointments behind me and the kiddo, knowing my body is off as much as my mind has tried to get it right (it’s a genetic thing not a weight loss/”diet” thing) – back to basics I attempt to go. My little family has the right basic supplements again to get back on track, the kiddo and I BOTH got a warm bath and hot shower in and will be sleeping in our own warm beds tonight and hopefully future nights to come, there are fresh veggies and snacks in the house, I found my old get core strength back exercises from my C-section from PT and kiddo’s PT ones as well (which she will now do as I told her it was training for learning to swim – mom win), and the kiddo handed me my book that is the foundation of what will hopefully be the new business come end of year if not sooner today and said “EVERYONE needs to read this book.” Those little ones, especially mine lately, can be super clairvoyant!

Now we attempt to start anew again (I even worked on my closet/clutter a little before shower and exercises tonight)….again. I am having faith and praying that whatever life throws our way I can deal with it in peace – including getting the taxes done and filed in the next 8 days. You other single parents will understand the importance of getting the taxes in ASAP unfortunately. Oh, and I am hoping to get a girls night this weekend too – in not out, but still much needed!

My mantra (not sure if I wrote it or it is a quote)  which lays as a bookmark in the book “everyone needs to read” is: You never know what you are doing until you know what you have done.

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