Another happy day of Single Appriciation Week to you all!
I am really exhausted but wanted to make more than 3 posts this week the point of Single Appriciation Week so I started drumming my head on the drive home from work.
The first thought - Glove without the "G" is love...come on, laugh and work with me people! It's things like that that make me laugh out loud to myself and sometimes there is no better thing than just laughing with yourself :).
The second thought was how the very atypical kiddo responded when I asked her "what does love mean?" She answered a simple "God." Now some might go aww so cute or wow that kiddo really knows her stuff. Well she does know her stuff, but only because of what she knows to be fact by the person she trusts or an internal rote phrase - because honestly I was asking her because from yesterday and yesterday's "session" I was digging for some hope that my child would understand love in someway, somehow. So her answer, no matter where it came from, was exactly what I needed to hear.
A friend wrote a post on FaceBook about how the day should just be celebrated, made your own, and about love - just love. My guess is that this friend may have seen one too many posts about the anger and envy that can come with Valentine's Day. But I appreciated and share her point - just celebrate the day however you see fit, if you see it fit, if not don't worry about it. It is also just about love (or should be) period. Not loving someone, finding someone to love, have found someone to love, being loved by someone, etc - just plain love and to share the love. Smile at someone who appears down, love yourself a little extra that day/week whatnot, find love in a higher power, hug your kids, give silly kid valentines out at work, say something with meaning to a family member no matter how hard it may have seemed to do.
Tomorrow the kiddo and I will celebrate Galantine's Day thanks to Smart Girls. There may be meltdowns before or during, but I will do my best to make it a fun afternoon/evening of celebrating us with a nice fresh dinner of boxed pasta salad with added veggies. After she goes to bed I will put together both her Valentines for school and mine and be grateful that I don't have to be concerned with her not getting one or being left out in class because there are rules at this age (as societal as that is).
So give yourself a hug tomorrow, a latte, whatnot - just love!
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