Friday, February 14, 2014

I Found A Match!

"I found a match," is what the kiddo exclaimed shortly after she got her kid valentine from mommy and saw the corresponding box said valentine came in...hey we have been big on the match games lately. She was so excited about the simplest little valentines and box of clementines (which we needed anyway, good shopping mommy), one little chocolate which she gave to mommy because "they are too hard for my teeth," and her little heart sucker that literally broke right down the middle on the stick, lol.

This little morning - still had to leave early for work and school - helped set my mood for the day. Simply to celebrate love and spread the love. I got to do that most of the day and was blessed to celebrate it with my more positive co-workers, Mexican pitch in and all (because what says Valentine's day like Mexican food and sweets), and decent work load for most of the day. Oh and it snowed again...leaving a very long drive home in which I realized the other title I was contemplating for this post - the best piece of jewelry I ever got for Valentine's day......

Today I realized that my most treasured piece of jewelry is not a diamond heart necklace but a simple pewter cross on a chain - and I actually got it a little before Valentine's day, sometime in January I believe. It was on a Kiros retreat more than 10 years ago in college when I got it as a gift on the retreat - I have always remembered that weekend as one of the best, most peaceful, and meaningful weekends of my life no matter where I was in my faith the past 10 years. I have found it hear and there at various times in my life, both when I needed a reminder and when I was so strong in my faith I stumbled upon it and had forgotten that physical symbol even existed. I wear it everyday now as both a symbol to get me through tough days, show my faith (though it is usually tucked under a shirt as I just want to know it is there, not to show it off), and taking a step to show certain physical areas of my life that not even money or my way to make money will stop me from being outwardly faithful or carrying my faith with me.

No one in particular gave it to me, not a special someone, I isn't a fancy bling - yet it is my most treasured piece. Just as we don't have to have someone to love in order to show love today or even have a special someone to love us to be doesn't have to be fancy.

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