It should be no surprise to anyone reading this now that I
am Christian Catholic (again, note order) and have been in the season of Lent,
a time I chose for more reflection on faith and prayer for myself. When I could
get the time anyways – 5-10 min in the morning between “mom, mommy, mama, mom,
mom, mom,” and late at night when I was counting down “OK, if I go to sleep
right now I can get x hours of sleep.”
On this Good Friday and the days leading up to it, I am
reflective on three particular words, the words Jesus said just before his
death culminating in his purpose on earth: “It is finished.”
Lent and Easter had always been easy for me or as I look back not all that important – up to three
years ago that is. Three years ago I was still dealing with lawyers, divorce/custody paperwork,
being a single pregnant woman (well separated, as in my state you are not allowed to get a final legal divorce if you
are a pregnant woman – write a letter there my friends), and coming back to the church.
Many memories I have of that season sitting on a pew with my hand on my belly,
needless to say comfortable was far from the word I am looking for in many respects.
Many times I have silently felt those words “It is finished,”
though my journey with the above seems never ending sometimes. Without going
into much detail, I had to go back into that world some days ago and make a
phone call no parent should have to make in order to make sure I don’t receive a
phone call no parent should have to receive. I cannot tell you how hard that
call was to make, I knew I had to make it for the kiddo’s safety, but I kept
hoping that forgiveness would somehow power through and God would handle it
all, though lastly I did have to make that earthly call. Those words “It is
finished,” rang through my head when the call was over and again when I called
back to make an appointment just beginning the follow up process.
Tonight, via the kiddo, more details came to light and with
only my faith to guide me literally on our way to Good Friday mass – I let her
hold my finger in her hand as tightly as she could and did my best to promise
in so many words that “it is finished.”
Before tonight I had denial that it was just a mistake, the kiddo got something
wrong, someone was sorry for the action taken against her – however, knowing
that kid all too well, I know the person is not a Christian with love in their
heart and did not say I’m sorry.
So in one way, for my kiddo and that relationship I know
now, tonight of all nights that “It is finished,” and though not complete, I
pray my battle is faithful, short, and victorious.
I ask anyone reading this to pray as well if that is your thing, ju ju works just as well :)
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