People spend a lot of time looking at other families and looking at their own wondering or dreaming of the number that will make their family "complete." I never really understood that thinking, just leave it up to fate, what will be will be, and if you have another you have another and if you don't you don't, also if no kids is your number than no kids is your number and you ARE still a family.
I have one friend who is trying to come to grips or at least make the final say if they are "one and done" or not, another friend who after years found her perfect number of three kids (which by the way, seems crazy to me now and I always wanted at least three), family members starting or expanding their families, and friends still living their lives to the fullest with their no kid lives, and so on and so forth.
Possible TMI alert: That all changed the day the kiddo did something magical - she willingly went to the closet and got me more toilet paper when the roll was empty. I mean how much more family do you get than that! It was also during Easter "vacation" so we were spending A LOT of time together - anyways it was that moment and a couple others when it hit me that this is my family, this is our family. There may only be two of us but that seemed to change, two wasn't small - it fit....perfectly.
I am not going to say it isn't hard, or that maybe one day I won't have a partner but I do believe that this far into our family that person will be my partner and not a "dad" type to the kiddo but for the foreseeable future, two is a pretty awesome number.
Retro 90's link:
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