Tuesday, March 11, 2014

I Met Someone At Church

This past Saturday night my mom offered the impossible – to watch the kiddo so I could to church by myself for once in a blue moon! At the end of a very, very long parenting day I took her up on it if only to get some free Chinese food beforehand and an hour away from the kiddo, I jumped at the chance needless to say.

By the time I got to Mass (what Christian Catholics call church), I was really looking forward to the spiritual side of things, it was also the first Sunday in Lent so they did what is called Stations of the Cross before mass as well.  I was pretty excited, and no I am not kidding; I have a strong faith that I have built the past few years on my life journey. So about the third station, I noticed someone sat down beside me in the pew – a guy, a young guy from what I could tell.  Hey, I am faithful not dead ;)

The mass began and I was very happy to sing the hymns, read the readings, listen to the priest and honestly get my prayer on. During a couple of the silent/transistion times, however, I did “look around the congegration” and confirmed – yes the male sitting next to me was young and not un-attractive from quick glance. Hey, I’m human – a faithful human but still human.

At this time in the mass, we start preparing communion and all the prayer that goes with it, in which we Christian Catholics (notice we ARE Christians, for those who think I am one of “those Catholics,” I assure you I am Christian first) get the running joke of how much exercise we get during mass from standing, kneeling, and sitting. Well, also during the end of that time of prep there is the Our Father; now some  folks hold the hands of strangers during this prayer and some do not. I do not, I find it weird – I mean I get the fellowship but I am not a hugger either if that tells you anything.  So of course, I start to get nervous as the moment approaches. Don’t get me wrong, I was being very prayerful to myself, but again – human people, human. And single.

I mean the guy is praying devoutly as I seem to be, singing all the hymns (if you go to a service and see a guy singing all the hymns it is a rarity, however, my dad has always done it and found joy in it), pulling out the kneeler we were sharing in the pew, etc. So I was wiping my now slightly damp palms and thinking to myself – “silly girl, it’s mass, it’s a prayer, get it together you don’t even know this guy.” The time came and thankfully no hand-holding was pushed during the Our Father (phew for me on that one) and I was able to focus on my favorite, go-to prayer. Next in mass is Peace, shake hands, “peace” or “peace be with you” and back to it – yes peace was given to my pew neighbor and confirmed – probably around my age, decently dressed for mass, and attractive to me, I am sure my friend and fellow blogger Elaine will confirm he is no Brian Williams but hey ; ) @viewfromdownhere.

The rest of mass I was very thankful for God showing me the hope and the view of what I truly want – someone to be my friend during mass, the hope of a future partner to share all that with, one who sings all the hymns and pulls out the kneeler for me as well as let’s me get my individual prayer on but to discuss topics later. I was now just comfortable, happy to not be chasing a toddler around, focused on the praise, and settled in renewed hope.

The final song ended and I was happy in my hope to get back in the car and get back at life with the hope of someday. On my way out of the pew, he spoke! He introduced himself, shook my hand, and asked how long I had been going to this church. I was really surprised and really happy to have the encounter! Ok, happy is putting it mildly. I only have a first name and the fact that he goes to Saturday night mass but it’s something, if not just more hope that God has someone who is ready and waiting for me….who is Christian and a little bonus….Catholic! I hope to meet more young people and maybe I can get the folks to babysit more often. Oh, and I was early and church ran long so I got TWO hours kiddo free J

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