Monday, May 20, 2013


Don't. Ha - sorry, after my last and most very recent experience this is how I feel about the subject. I am all for dating, however, after my past few experiences I feel good to take a break.

I tried online dating, yes you read that right, but as we all say when we sign up - "how else are you supposed to meet people outside of work at this age?" So it began, many (by many I say half a dozen or so) failed first date attempts, these actual dates do not count the numerous texts/messages from people I thought I may be interested in meeting, which do not count the higher volume of messages and winks both sent and received while trying to make a connection. Now add all of the above to any money spent on a site plus time put it - and you get a lot of wasted time and money - or so it feels.

This last one did go from 0-crazy in 60 seconds, still trying to shake this particular fish in the sea without having to contact anybody in a uniform. It was the sad result of infatuation plus hope plus attraction, so did it suck a little to say to myself I think this guy is borderline insane unfortunately after said infatuation? Yes. Was I relieved to not be tethered to my phone while also trying to live my life? Yes. And though quite over the top/excessive contact from said person over the past almost 48 hours AFTER the "please do not contact me again," holy cow this is person is crazy and you were right to run when you did reality hit - was I relieved it wasn't just me? Heck to the yes!

So be wary my friends, don't be scared, but be wary when you go about dating for the first, second, or third time after a big/long relationship - make sure you are not only ready but have a good head about your shoulders as well. And if you have kids and you find yourself texting while strolling more than once or twice in a week - re-examine your thoughts. It feels good to be wanted, but as a parent you already are and if you want (not need) badly enough - God will provide in his own way and time, after the kids are in bed.

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