Thursday, June 20, 2013

Awkward Suburbia

There are so many awkward moments in life and even the small ones seem to be multiplied when I am out of my comfort zone - which happens to be "typical" Suburbia; so I have dedicated this post to those and I am sure you can relate:

I was at the park with the kiddo when two moms' with 2 kids each in tow came out - their kids started playing on the playground and after the one mom loaded up the car she said "Hi, I'm N, you live over that way right?" as she pointed behind her a ways, "we live just over there." I smiled very awkwardly - as she did look familiar - and then informed her that "I'm C, actually we live over there" as I pointed about 1/2 mile back in the complete other direction. Insert the "oh" and that was that, children (well theirs, my kiddo believes she owns everything and no children are to be around her) played for 10 more minutes. Awkward.

This next one coincides with the above: not sure if I have ever mentioned that my kiddo is...neurologically unique (best I can come up with at the moment)..but this spacial thing is not a "two's" thing - which I also dislike the whole, oh they are this age so they act like this saying - but related to that, not bad parenting or an only child thing but she screams "no," "mine," and just plain shrieks when other children come to the playground or if they are there when we arrive. Don't get me started on if they are on the same large piece of equipment or dare enter her space. So yeah, sorry other parents but awkward, because I am not about to explain all my kiddo's issues to you - it's hard enough for my inner circle to understand.

I am sure many of you have "run" into this one: the coming at you other runner/jogger on the road, come on you love my humor. But in the land of Suburbia, no I can't afford these houses let alone land to build neighborhood, again a multiplied awkward. This one happened this morning and I was out quite early in the 5am hour - old man. Do you wave, smile, pick up or slow down your pace, try to breathe like a normal person? And no, I don't over think things at all :)

The next one is an awkward that is on my to-do list: I have a contact for another single mom my age with a boy that is my kiddo's age - it was a via email hey are both your emails and phone numbers - discuss suggestion from my dad. 1) those emails are always weird intros, 2) it has been almost 2 months and 3) we may not have anything else in common lol - my mom did a set up like this with my friend Elaine - just ask her - it was weird. Luckily it worked out and I am hoping the same will happen when I get the courage to "court" a new friend - never been good at making female friends per socially awkward anyways.

And my final small one - I really, really want to try the new fro yo place but I am either going in alone for fro yo...just don't think I can do it; or taking my almost 2 year-old unique kiddo into a self-serve fro yo place by myself - anyone think this is a good idea?

1 comment:

  1. We have an Orange Leaf self-serve place by us and its delicious :) you should definitely go. Or wait until I visit!
